Friday, February 29, 2008

February Update

The girls are getting closer to sitting on their own. They do pretty well on their own sitting in Boppy pillows for a little help with balance.

7 months down now! February went fast. The girls are continuing to like trying new foods. They love teething biscuits, I think because they can eat them all by themselves. The highlights this month were a reunion brunch with several of our preemie friends from the NICU where we were born, Grandma Robinson came for a nice visit, and we took our first family vacation. We flew with the girls down to southern California for the annual company trip. My sister (auntie Sarah) flew down and met us to nanny at night and to help me when Greg had work stuff during the day. We enjoyed some sun, mom had a day at the spa, and dad got to play a fun round of golf. Eventhough we had a ball everyone came home tired. February also brought a few nice days here in Seattle this month, so the girls and I spent a great deal of time at our neighborhood park. Hannah and Elliot love to swing - it always makes a tough afternoon better.

1 comment:

Malia said...

You should have let me know you were down this direction. I would have met up with all of you ladies!